Journal article writing tips

All journals have instructions for authors outlining how journal article submissions should be formatted etc. Contact the editors office if you have any questions as this may ensure you don't make a mistake.
For the journal you are planning to submit to, review previous & current articles to see the type of work that is accepted and how it is presented etc.
Don't get tips / advice from just one source. The more knowledge you have, the better your manuscript will be. Use a search engine to find a variety of websites that provide journal writing tips / advice. You can also search for scientific & medical research journal writing videos on YouTube etc.
The title should clearly & specifically define what the journal article is about. This may include using specific names for organisms, diseases, tissues, cell types, genes, molecules, experimental parameters, metabolic conditions, and environmental conditions etc. 10 – 12 words is ideal. You can start by writing a draft title then you can work to perfect it. Write a few variants for comparison.
Spelling errors should be screened for using online spell check programs. Use a dictionary if you are unsure if you are using the correct word. Many dictionaries are free to use online. For consistency you can check your word in multiple dictionaries. It only takes a minute online.
The abstract describes in summary what you did and the importance / impact of your results. This summary includes the experimental approach, results and major conclusions. It is easiest to write the abstract last. Between 100 – 250 words is acceptable unless the journal mandates a specific length.
If you have just completed your manuscript or one of the sections (introduction, results, etc) and you are tired, get some rest, then read over it a few hours later or the next day when you are fresh. Ask a colleague to read your manuscript. If you like, you can ask 2 or 3 people.
Can you say the same thing with fewer words.
Make sure to use the correct abbreviations for any units of measurement, genes, molecules etc.
Make sure to include statistics. Make sure they are presented correctly. For example, when mentioning simple means (averages), the standard deviation or standard error should also be reported to show variability. Try to use the most advanced / indepth statistical analyses possible. Consider the use of profesional statistics service providers. If you succeed in getting published in a high quality journal, it may be money well spent.
Your reference list should not just be about showing you have read a good number of related journal articles. There should be some older references showing pioneering work in the field and key discoveries etc. There should also be recent references to show you are up-to-date with the latest research in the field.
The journal writing tips presented above should assist you to write a successful manuscript at no cost. However, if you would like to use a professional journal writing service, it would be a good idea to create the best draft manuscript you can on your own, then submit it to the journal writing service so they can make suggestions, modifications & additions etc. You could let them know you would like to use them as a manuscript advisory service rather than a complete journal writing service, as doing so may be cheaper for you. If you succeed in getting published in a high quality journal, it may be money well spent.
If you are confident you don't need a complete journal writing service to assist you, but would still like a little professional help with your basic writing structure, a much cheaper option could be to use a draft editing & proofreading service. Draft editing & proofreading services usually include corrections for type errors, spelling, punctuation, grammar, and language / word choice, as well as suggestions for improvements to sentence and paragraph structure if required.
For most authors the major factors influencing journal selection are journal reputation, impact factors, citation rates, acceptance time frame and publishing frequency. Click HERE to read more.